The Only Good Bug Is a Dead Bug

I fully, and truly, intended to wake up at a reasonable time. I was gonna jump out of bed, get ready, and hit the road with fresh coffee in hand—arriving at Nate’s on schedule (maybe even a little early). But Starship Troopers was on television the night before.

Yeah I’d seen it more times than i could count and yes I can stream it anytime without commercials, but I just had to watch. That movie is so damn good. As a kid, I loved it because it was space marines led by “Jester” from Top Gun in a heroic struggle against alien arachnids. As an adult, I still loved it for those reasons, but I finally understood the clever satire of it all.

My tardiness, and the Starship Troopers watching that caused it, was of no surprise to Nate. He knows how it is: “M.I. does the dying, fleet just does the flying.”

When I did get there, we spent the day exploring corners of Columbus that I’d never been to before. In all my visits to hang with him, or do work, in Arch City over the years—the city’s downtown is probably the area I’ve seen least. And on a random Sunday, it was a wonderful place to wander. Probably still will be in the future even after the bugs attack (the arachnids never do target the capital of Ohio with a meteor in canon).

Unlike Lt. Johnny Rico, I’ve been awol—allowing myself to get distracted from the things I tell myself I need to be doing. So, before I get back to some larger stories, there’s a bunch of random posts like this one coming.

Making arbitrary photographs of Columbus and making excuses: “I’m doing my part.”

Since 2007, the content of this website (and its former life as Queen City Discovery) has been a huge labor of love.

If you’ve enjoyed stories like The Ghost Ship, abandoned amusement parks, the Cincinnati Subway, Fading Ads, or others over the years—might you consider showing some support for future projects? 


Of Ferris Wheels and Failed Lunch Plans


“Hey Man, Give Me That Camera or I’ll Shoot You”